Monday, April 24, 2006

Long time, no post

I've been pretty busy with work and home stuff. A lot is going on. I went to Orlando Easter weekend to spend time with Justin and my family. We had a great weekend and Justin is growing so fast. He is up to 8 pounds 11 ounces now. He's such a little cutie!!

I've also been battling a bit of anxiety. I have to go for a heart catheterization on May 3rd. I'm not so scared of the procedure itself, just not being in control of my own body while I'm under local anaesthesia really. I've never had any type of medical procedure like that or surgery so it's a bit scary not knowing how my body is going to react or whatever. The thought of knowing I have to lay flat on my back for 6 or more hours after the heart cath isn't too fabulous either. I hate lying on my back and having to be totally flat makes it worse.

Other than that, things are great. I'll post more pics of Justin this weekend. I think we're going back up to Orlando since Tommy hasn't seen his new nephew yet.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More Justin pictures

Some of these are from last week and some from this week. The female holding him is my sister (the mommy) and the man holding him is my brother-in-law (daddy). Justin was released from the hospital today and is now home. Happy 1-week birthday baby boy!!

My sister and Justin this week.

Sister and Justin after he was born (04/04/06)

Sister and Justin (04/04/06)

Brother-in-law and Justin

Sister and Justin this week


Justin this week

Brother-in-law and Justin napping

Oops, forgot about my celebrity meeting!!

Friday night, my husband and I went to Friday Night Fights (boxing) that was televised on ESPN2. We had a blast. After the first bout, this huge guy comes walking down the aisle. My husband mentioned that the guy looks just like "Test" from WWE (wrestling). I told him that it was Test from WWE. You could tell from his walk that it was him. So he goes across to the other side of the ring, directly across from us, and sits down next to Christian, who is also a wrestler with TNA and used to be with WWE. During intermission Test got up to get drinks. I went and stood behind him and he was looking around and was fanning himself with his VIP badge thingie. I mentioned that it was a bit warm in there and he replied "yup". I couldn't say much more really. I was a bit starstruck. He's about 6'6" and towered over me by almost 1.5 feet. He smelled really good too. I don't know who the chick was that was with him though. She was horribly fugly. She had an orange spray-on tan and her hair was blonde with roots and all tangled and nasty looking. She had a body like Stacy Keibler (whom Test used to date), but she just looked nasty. I was a bit shocked really. I know he can do better than that!! Anyway, that was my celebrity sighting/meeting.

Monday, April 10, 2006

My birthday gift from husband

There is a member on the pug forum I frequent that carves these from pictures that are provided. He doesn't use any stain or paint on them, only the natural elements of the wood. I've been bugging my husband for a carving of my boys since I saw Todd's work and he finally bought me one for my birthday coming up on Thursday. Todd emailed me the finished picture yesterday for my approval and the carving should be here this week. I'm so excited!! They are bigger than they look in the picture and it looks just like my little guys. This is the best birthday present ever!!

Just a short update

Not much happening around here really. My nephew is finally coming home from the hospital tomorrow. They had to keep him on antibiotics to make sure he didn't get sick from aspirating the fluid. They offered to send a nurse out to the house to do injections, but the injections are painful and my sister and brother-in-law didn't want to put the baby through that. They also offered to do an IV, but if anything happened with the IV they would have to go through the ER and that takes forever. So, they decided it would be best to keep him in the hospital. They move the IV around every so often so it doesn't get infected and they wouldn't have been able to do that if he had gone home. We're going up to Orlando this Saturday to visit finally. My sister and brother-in-law are going to a wedding (brother-in-law's boss) so I'm going to keep Justin for them for a few hours. I'm so excited that I'll finally be able to see him, hold him, and kiss his sweet little cheeks. I'm planning on taking a ton of pictures.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The worst news possible for me

I had my followup appointment with the cardiologist today. Last week I had to do a stress test and Monday I had an echocardiogram. The stress test was abnormal and the echo revealed that my ejection fraction is half of what it should be for my age. The doctor now wants to do a heart catheterization to make sure I don't have a blockage. I also have cardiomyopathy, which is what my mom died from 6 years ago. I'm so completely numb that I don't know what to do. I'm not going to tell my grandmother (mom's mom) because I don't want her to worry. That's about it for now. I think I'm going to go to bed and try to forget today happened at all.

My nephew is here!!!

My precious nephew arrived yesterday (04/04/06) morning at 3:21 am. He weighed 7 pounds, 14.5 ounces and was 22 inches long. His name is Justin Christopher and he's the most precious thing I've ever seen. He had some complications due to the medicine they gave my sister for her high blood pressure so they have kept him in extended care and hopefully he will be released from there today. My sister hasn't been able to see him much due to the medication that she is on for her blood pressure, she has to have a nurse go down with her to see him. I feel so bad for her. He is on a heart monitor and lung monitor and an IV. They think he inhaled some fluid on the way out so that's why they have him on an IV with antibiotics. He's doing very well though and is just a doll. We're going back up to Orlando on Sunday to see him once he's home. I love him so much already, it is just unbelievable. I can hardly wait to be able to hold him and kiss his sweet little cheeks. Here is a picture I got yesterday, it's not the best, but you get the idea. I'll get better pictures this weekend.

Brother-in-law and nephew