Friday, May 26, 2006

Followup cardiologist appointment ...

I went for my followup appointment with the cardiologist yesterday. It's really the first appointment I've had with him since I was diagnosed with the cardiomyopathy. He said the results of my heart catheter showed that I didn't have any blockages, which is good, and that my heart function is better than the echocardiogram showed, but not by much. He is recommending that I go on disability because most likely I will need a heart transplant in the future. He is maximizing my medications for now and we're in a wait-and-see mode. I go back in September.

I talked to him about weight loss since I seem to be at a stand still with NutriSystem. He recommended lap-band surgery. I'm going to give him a call when we get back from vacation for a referral. Hopefully weight loss will improve my heart function so the transplant will be something in the far-off future. I know what my mom went through with hers and I just don't know if I'm strong enough mentally for that challenge. My grandmother still has no clue about all of this and I know I'm going to have to tell her soon. My sister is in Boston and won't be back until next Tuesday so I'll probably just wait until after my vacation and we can all be together to tell her. I know it's going to break her heart since she lost her only child (my mom) from the same thing I'm battling now.

All I can do is ask for prayers now. I'm 32 years old and hope to at least live to see my nephews grow up. I suppose all hopes and dreams of having my own kids are shattered now so I can only pray that God allows me the time to see my nephews grow up.


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