Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tuesday continuation

I didn't have time to update yesterday so I am doing it today.

For lunch, I had tossed salad, the NutriSystem pasta with beef, and a piece of rye bread. It was pretty good. My snack was 1/2 can of tuna with some mayo and onions and some grapes. For dinner, I had steamed broccoli and cauliflower and the NutriSystem Chicken Pasta Parmesan. My night-time snack was the NutriSystem white cheddar soy chips, which tasted like paper. I don't think I'll be ordering those again.

The eye doctor went okay I suppose. I have to get glasses and wear them all of the time. I have astigmatism in my right eye and my left eye is working overtime to compensate, which is why I keep getting headaches. I have no idea what my glasses look like because they had me pick them out after they dilated my eyes and shined bright lights into them for 5 minutes. Hopefully they will look okay, the whole visit including glasses was $50 so I can't complain. I can't wear contacts unfortunately so I'm stuck with the glasses. Ugh.


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